Fat-free frying
- is possible on pans with a nonstick coating. If you want to fry in oil, we recommend using olive or rapeseed oil. These oils have a high content of unsaturated fats, making them particularly suitable for frying because they don't burn on the surface.
- Heat the pan on a low heat, as this will better retain the coating's nonstick effect. When heating on a high heat, the pan can lose its nonstick effect and food will start to stick. SCANPAN's nonstick coating is particularly suited to frying food that tends to burn quickly.
Frying in fat
- when using oil, heat the pan on a low heat. Put the meat in the pan once the pan is warm. Test: sprinkle some water into the pan with your fingers - if the droplets "dance" around, it's warm. Then turn up to a steady heat. If the hob can be adjusted to e.g. 8, you can easily fry at 5-6.
- when using margarine, put it in a cold pan and then heat the pan on steady heat. You will clearly see when the margarine is ready for frying.
Pans without nonstick coating
- be careful not to overheat and always use fat. Better to start with a heat that's too low, than to burn your food on a temperature that's too high. When the pan is ready for frying, put the meat in and leave, as it will immediately stick to the pan. Once the meat has formed a crust, turn the meat and repeat the procedure. It can be tempting to move the meat around, and find it sticks and perhaps burns. That's why it's important to leave it!